Submit Abstract online

All submissions will be reviewed based on technical merit, readability, relevance and originality. If you have any question or queries about the submission process, check the FAQ below or contact us.

Submission Deadlines

Second round of Abstract Submission will end on

23 July, 2024

Abstract Already Submitted?

Register Now

Choose the Suitable Session

The Abstract should only be submitted following the sample format. Abstracts that are received without the template will be sent back for corrections.  

Sessions from 1 to 15

  • Healthcare System
  • Primary Healthcare
  • Healthcare and Hospital
  • Trauma & Critical Care
  • Neurology and Brain Health
  • Patient Safety and Research
  • Patient Safety Factors
  • Patient Safety in Surgery
  • Vaccination and Immunization
  • Public Health and Nutrition
  • Nursing
  • Primary Healthcare
  • COVID-19
  • Sleep Disorder and Medicine
  • Mental Health, hypertension and Psychiatry

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Avail Early Bird Waiver

Sessions from 16 to 29

  • Surgery & Medical Devices
  • Safety enhancing technology
  • Digital Health and E-Health
  • Healthcare Technology and Policy
  • Healthcare Innovations and Technologies
  • Advanced Healthcare Practice & Management
  • Telemedicine and Alternative Healthcare Innovations
  • Health Economics, Health Policy and Healthcare Management
  • Sleep Disorder and Medicine
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Healthcare & Infectious Disease
  • Hospital-acquired infections
  • Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC)
  • Public Health and Community Medicine

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Avail Early Bird Waiver

Sessions from 30 to 45

  • Regenerative and Restorative Medicine
  • Racial Disparities in Health Care
  • Dentistry and Oral Health
  • Tropical and chronical diseases
  • Quality improvement and management
  • Ethical and legal aspect of patient safety
  • Cardiology and pulmonary healthcare
  • Diabetes, Obesity & Weight Management
  • Women’s Health, midwifery and gynecology
  • Child’s health, pediatrics and Neonatology
  • Nephrology and Urology
  • Geriatrics and Gerontology
  • Traditional Medicine
  • Palliative Care
  • Food Science
  • Health Informatics

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Avail Early Bird Waiver

Submit Abstract Below

The Abstract should only be submitted following the sample format (Download Format Here). Abstracts that are received without the template will be sent back for corrections.


    Interested to be a Sponsor (or) Collaborator? Schedule a meeting with us at your convenience (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm London time)

      "Submit your Proposal for Sponsorship/Collaboration"


      Register for the early bird
      Register NowContact us

      FAQ’s for Presenters

      What is the presentation duration for a Keynote/Oral presenter?

      Each Keynote Presenter will have 30-45 minutes, while Oral Presenter will have 20-25 minutes for presentation including a Q/A session

      What language should I speak during presentation?

      All presenters are requested to present their paper only in English.

      Do I get a translator during my presentation?

      We do not provide any translators during presentations. However, you can hire your own translator for the presentation.

      What is the presentation duration for a poster presenter?

      Each Poster Presenter will have 10-15 minutes for presentation including Q/A.

      We are Open for Exhibitors & Sponsorships. 


      How will I know if my Abstract is accepted?

      Once you submit the abstract, we will let you know the acceptance in 24-48 hours. If you have not received the acceptance of abstract, please contact at our program managers.

      Can I still present without attending the conference?

      Yes, you can participate in Virtual mode without attending the conference In Person.

      How/Where to submit an Abstract?

      You can submit your Abstract on our website. Fill the requested details and attached your abstract to the form then hit on Proceed for submission button. Make sure to submit your abstract as per the template. Download the template from the submission page.

      Do you have any template/format for Abstract?

      Yes, we have a template for abstract submission. Please download from the abstract submission page.

      Where can I submit my Abstract?

      You may submit your abstract online via our Abstract Submission Portal or you can directly email to conference managers.

      Can I submit more than one Abstract?

      Yes, you can submit more than one abstract and participate in more than one session either in oral or poster session.